Yamaha SR400, Caferacer

By |10월 16th, 2014|

2014 fall T.V.M.C motorcycle club official riding day
#Sevenfifty leather jacket, #selvedge kevalr-lined denim

SR400 cafe racer with duck tail – uglyBROS

By |10월 10th, 2014|

uglyBROS campaign motorcycle, SR400 caferacer

Rockerz LT jackt & sevledge kevlar lined jeans

Motorpool Grey Shooting

By |4월 30th, 2014|

Motorpool grey color pants & yamaha SR400 caferacer

20140401 출근길 – Way to Work ,yamaha sr400

By |4월 1st, 2014|

Kevlar denim Echo-K

By |8월 10th, 2013|

uglyBROS Echo-K jeans, reinforced denim based on DuPont™ Kevlar® fiber
DuPont™ and Kevlar® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E.I.Du Pont de Numours and Company

uglyBROS promotional video,

By |5월 13th, 2013|

Yamaha SR400 – neo caferacer style customized
uglyBROS moto pants – Johnny